The Merry- Go-Round of Life

    Sometimes it feels like life is just one big merry-go-round... endlessly turning and turning and never really getting anywhere - or maybe that is just my life!

    Starting a new venture and changing careers (particularly in these uncertain economic times) is scary- there are days when I think of packing it all in and going back to a secure, office job as a lawyer where a nice little paycheck comes in each fortnight, with 4 weeks PAID holiday leave, PAID sick leave, an IT department (oh how I wish I had an IT guru to sit by my side and hold my sweaty little hand when things go awry with my computer), a speaker phone (anyone else get slightly frustrated sitting on hold for any length of time on a land line with no speaker? arghhh, the frustration blog fans, the frustration!), free stationary (not that I would ever advocate using office stationary for personal use 'cos that would be just plain wrong ;), nice office toilets (not that our toilet isn't nice but, well, it is rather lovely to be using somebody else's toilet paper and squirty soap- not to mention the Dyson Airblade hand dryer-instead of my own) and most importantly, other humans readily at hand to listen to my moaning, share a giggle and office gossip (not that I would ever advocate office gossip of course!)

    But then... I stop and give myself a long hard talking to, NO!, I don't want to get to 60 and not have followed my dream because it was just too much hard work, because it required too many sacrifices, because it was too tiring, because everyone else said not too, because I was too scared, because I didn't believe in myself, because because because.....

    So on I solider.
    I leave you with a Dr Seuss quote which I really like:
    "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
    You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know.
    And you are the one who'll decide where you'll go.
    Oh the places you'll go" Dr Seuss
    Photos are from Bordeaux

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