Ha! I so WISH I was that girl! Instead I am sweating, humping a half dead vacuum cleaner around the lounge room (explain to me what the deal is with vacuum cleaner hoses? they always seem to break on me. Hmmmmph. And no amount of masking tape is gonna save this one), heating up an M&S ready meal in the oven and wondering whether the neighbours love Goldfrapp at full volume as much as me. I truly hope so or I expect I will get a tetchy knock on the door very shortly :) :)
Oh yes, and I am wearing a pair of old trackie-daks with a Qantas pj top to carry out my domestic duties. Vintage clothing? I want to love it, I really, really do. I love it on other people like Lorraine (above) and Agnes (below) but I just can't get into it myself. I am talking about proper vintage, not "shop-your-closet from 3 seasons ago" vintage. Part of the problem is that when I go into a vintage shop, like a 'proper' vintage/2nd hand shop (not like the vintage department at Liberty or the gorgeous Merchant Archive shop in Kilburn Lane where someone else has done the snuffling out of the good stuff for you...and adjusted the price tag accordingly!) I get overwhelmed by the racks and racks of clothing and shoes, and my brain goes into a little spin. The smell of moth balls and faint musty aromas seem to override my ability to think clearly. This is obviously something unique to me as almost every person I photograph on the streets of London is wearing a "little vintage thrown together with a little High Street and a little designer".
Like Lorraine and Agnes here. I like how they have teamed their little vintage finds with a great trench- so perfect for the unpredictable weather we are having right now.
I gotta try harder with this vintage thing I think!