Paris Street Style....Smooth Operator

    Mr Guerre aka the very suave, very smooth, and very stylish operator of Swagger 360 blogspot.
    If you think a man dressed as fine as this would have a fabulous would be CORRECT! A Scooby Snack for you :) :) I really like the way Mr Guerre combines his "street swag" photos with his thoughts on style, dressing, food, wine and other useful things such as "How to Polish a Shoe Correctly", the modern day gentleman's essentials, and the (gulp) "Sins a Person with Swagger will Never Commit" (I get very nervous when I read "do not" lists as I always manage to be a committer of at least a few of them ;-)

    I especially liked his musings on style v. fashion v. cool v. swagger (in response to a reader's comment) here.

    Saunter (or should I saw swagger?) on over and check out Swagger360 here.

    p.s. It never ceases to amaze me the interesting, wonderful people I get to meet on the streets- I can't think of a better way to develop my photography skills and meet the most fascinating people from all over the world at the same time...

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