What perspiration can do to you - cranberry's version! ;)

    Its been so long since I have allowed my mind to run freely without having to think about silly little things like memorizing my subjects for exams! Thus, I am taking well, ten minutes or more to do so. As I was walking back from college, I was already drenched in sweat. It pisses me off so much because it is barely 5 minutes from my house to college, and yet, I get as wet as compared to walking under the rain. Okay, maybe its a bit over exaggerated but the point is, I would love to take long strolls without having to bloody perspire like a wet pig.                                             Not to mention the lovely odour of sweat? 

    And I am a person that perspire so easily, even easier than eating a blady fried chicken. So imagine this, one day, I were to surprise my partner, 5 mins of walk is more than enough to get my stupid sweat glands work profusely, expanding and secreting huge drop of salty water from my pore, smudging my nicely done make up                                                                      

                                                                                  like this;

    looking like that, showing up at his doorsteps, prolly giving him the horror of his life. 
    Bf opens up the door, sees a girl in messed up hair, messed up colors on her face, sweat stain underarm. Mind you that the girl has absofuckinglutely idea she looks like crap.

    Boy yells, "What the fuck?!" 
    Girl sheepishly smiles at him and says, "Hi! Surprised!!?"
    Boy slams door right at her face. 

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