Liberated and complicated!

    Okay. So I have just declared liberty to my ownself the moment i stepped out of the dumb classroom after 3 non-fucking-stop hours of writing and writing and more writing for my LAW paper. I did no hesitation and went off to have fun with my bffs. It was a breath of relieve and weights off my shoulders were lifted after 3++ goddamn bollock weeks of having to force myself to study for the papers! See, the problem here has absofuckinglutely nothing to do with studying. It is more of the having-to-sit-for-the-bloody-finals is the main problem here. Then again, if there weren't any exams no numbnut would actually took studying seriously. So again, this is debatable and well, I am just simply ranting in the perspective of a student.

    Another thing is, human are a sheer of self-conflicted creatures. We are just weird and contradict oneself too much. For instance, a new sem starts, and we complain about not having enough holidays or the shitty holidays have been effing short! But when we throw our pens up in the air upon completing our final paper, we are completely clueless on what to do. OKAY, maybe the geeks/nerds/students with a goal in life, well, they have drawn out precisely what they would spend their free time doing i.e. getting an internship with the BIG FOURS AUDITING FIRMS or part time job that would blow interviewers mind on their resume or even take up a part time course. But students like me, we ain't stoopid but we're just enjoying everything in life not taking up too much space for serious-ness. So we tend to be so ruddy restless after exams, and at times, we even ridiculously wish that we could go back to college and hang around with peeps.

    Conclusion, humans are complicated. You may try to simplify yourself. By all means. Its impossible. We have insatiable needs. Thirst for too many things. Its rather impossible to be simple and only demand for one thing. That totally applies for me. =D


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