Loyal companion

    It was quite some time back since I've first heard about this loyal dog whom has been waiting for its' owner in spite of the owner's death. (And its based on a true story) It wasn't until I met up with one of my best friend earlier and found out that there was a movie directed on the basis of that true story. 

    Due to the fact that I had knew that the owner (Richard Gere in this case) will die at the end of the story, I literally cried from the start of the movie till the end! I could have sworn I maximised the usage of my tear gland and my eyes would be beautifully swollen tomorrow morning.

    I am totally all out for this movie! It is a must-watch movie because it is after all based on a real lifetime story. Animals are such brilliant creatures that it has been proven to be able to connect and understand human's every emotions, actions and words. 

    Lastly, about the movie, it was magnificent of them to have chosen Richard Gere as the owner of Hachiko because he not only managed to portray an excellent act of love towards Hachiko but the depth of feelings he has for his job as a music professor, and his family. He somewhat connected himself to the real character of this movie making it feel so real and you just can't help but to cry like a blady big baby watching it.
    Click here for a video of the story.

    I used to have a dog like that of my own once. My very first dog. A mixed breed of well other mixed breed that looks like the pictures below.. Well, only that my baby, Allson was much much much more cuter! 
    Allson, my own personal loyal companion. I witnessed his first time lifting his hind legs to pee that caused him to fall on his back peeing all over the place on his own body. The first time he had his loud bark. Allson was especially closed to me because other members of my family weren't into dogs as much as I do. So, I daresay, we shared an extraordinary bond together. I talked to him all the time in times of happiness and sadness. I fed him with so much snacks because I couldn't give in to his cuteness-plead. I gave him a full body massage while showering him and etc. I always have been looking forward to coming home from college during the weekend because I know Allson would be my best companion, regardless and he always seem to be so enthusiastic in seeing me. I HEART the way he sits with both hind legs wide open. I HEART the way he howls at night. I HEART the way he gobbles up his food within split seconds and begs for more. I HEART   the way he jumps up and hug me. I HEART everytime he hands over his paw just to get rewarded with yummy snacks...

    Allson, died at the age of 6. He suffered from a condition of heart failure. He has been in pain for two days, so coincident when I was back for my holidays because he left me on a weekday. I am not too sure how to explain this but I have a feeling he had wanted to see me last before he bid farewell. I came home one night, found him lying on the front gate, breathless, stiff and rigid. I broke down and cried. Spent the entire night sweeping bugs away, talking to him for the last time before my mom buried him the next day. After that night, I have officially lost my one loyal friend whom never fail to hear me rant, always there when I shed tears during those shitty times when I had relationship problems, or someone looking at me in the eyes that sort of say "you'll be alright. I'm here". 

    2 years had passed. I missed him dearly. I couldn't even contain the tears while typing this out because I wish he never left me in the first place. 

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