LeBron Ends “Beef” With Lil Wayne

    Weezy expressed some discontent not too long ago with Miami Heat players LeBron James and Dwayne Wade. In his interview with Rolling Stone mag, he’d said, “Them niggas never speak to a nigga,” he says. “They don’t chuck me the deuce or nothing. Nigga spent all that money on them fucking tickets… Come holla at me. We sit right by them little bitch-ass niggas. At least come ask me why I’m not rooting for you.” Bron and D. Wade hadn’t addressed the issue up until the other night at the Heat vs. Indiana game.

    It started off with a little head nod from LeBron, and then he went so far as to give him a shout out near the end of the first quarter. Wayne, LeBron and even Wade were interviewed about it after the game. Hit the jump to see what all parties said.

    After the game, reporters asked both D. Wade and LeBron if their issues were now squashed. “I don’t know. That’s a question you gotta ask him,” James said. “We just, for all the fans that come watch us play… we just try to do our job and win ball games.”

    Wade appeared to be taken aback at the notion that James had acknowledged Wayne. “You did?” Wade asked James. When reporters asked Wayne if all was well with LeBron, he said, “Oh, yeah.” No mention of Dwayne Wade though. Guess time will tell!


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