Terrified, once again.

    At the very first moment when my ex and I were over, I thought I knew what I wanted. A stable-and-something-serious relationship. I really thought I had it going in my system. I was ready to rumble! I was all geared up and I have set my mind into a mode so serious I thought I nailed it.

    Then cold feet sets in. Thankfully, I am in no relationship, yet! But the messed up part is, remember right before I left for studies there was this guy I was seeing, he said he didn't want anything serious between us however, I feel quite the contrary. This is bad. because the moment he told me he hadn't wanted anything serious, I blocked him outta my system.

    I didn't wanna waste any more of my time. I have the ability to actually shield my emotions deep inside. I couldn't shed a tear as easily as I could previously. I believe it was because I actually used up my quotas on my tears the last break up.

    So here I am, feeling intimidated by the seriousness of being in a relationship, once again. I don't know what to do. Should I be honest and let them guys know?

    Oh bloody bugger. I hate this. go away cold feet. *pulls up the duvet*

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