New York Street Style...Chantal of Cocorosa

    A little bit of Christopher Kane for Topshop in a New York State of Mind......the gorgeous Chantal from cocorosa blog.

    Okay, so this was a very cool, random afternoon- I met up with Craig Arend from Altamira for coffee and we were just sitting outside Balthazar in Soho, New York, sipping our lattes (actually, I think Craig was having a cheeky mocha) when along came Guerre from Swagger360 who you might remember I bumped into randomly on the street in Paris earlier this year. So we chatted for awhile and then next thing we bump into Chantal and her friends who had been out shopping and making some photos for her blog! So of course I jumped at the opportunity to photograph Chantal as well.

    And best thing was, Chantal had only just purchased her Christopher Kane for Topshop hoodie earlier in the day. Yay, we love a new purchase :))

    Thanks Chantal (and Craig and Guerre) for a super afternoon.

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