Stylish hairdo for 2010

    If you are planning to get a new hairdo this coming holiday season, you need to be updated on what’s going to be “in” this coming year.

    This 2010, monochromatic hair color will be the fashion style. Yes, it will be the sexy and stylish hairdo for 2010. Streaks and highlights will be saying good bye at the end of the 2009.

    Here are some of my tips to maintain that monochromatic hairdo all year long:


    For blonds, make sure to brighten your base and try to blend any existing highlights. You need to do a monthly gloss or an hair spa to get that extra shine.


    For Brunettes, A deep chocolate or coffee shade will do the trick. Choose a darker shades, at least 2 tones darker, in order to get that sultriness.


    For red heads, stay away from copper hues. They will make your complexion pale. Try using the amber or auburn shade.

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