
    Hi Readers! (if there's even people reading my posts :S)

    This would be my first post of my newly created blog! I know. Being the late one in this field when almost 99% of the human population are in their hundreds' of posts already. Oh heck. I wanna be the quirky one. :P
    Oh well, enjoy this post and do leave a comment/comments. Would truly appreciate that. (:

    "Oh bollock!" The goddamn eyeliner I've just applied like 10 seconds ago is already ruined when I accidentally rub my eyes. FML. Being the noobie in this make-up-world, it takes me ruddy long to get the perfect combination of the mascara, eyeliner and the eye shadows. And now, it's all destroyed in my own hands. Great!

    10 hours ago, I was in my mom's bedroom telling her how excited I am to be going to this annual dinner that I was invited to. Imagine the guys I would meet there. Not only they'd be in their smartest outfit, they, too, I'd reckon are of high intellectual species. (They ought to be, considering they, after all, are representatives of their colleges, no?) Yes, a despo I am. Havent been in a relationship for quite some time. And I frigging hate not having a particular someone that I can care about. :(

    After hours of touch up and finally with a swift i'm-satisfied-glance in the mirror, I took my bag and head off to the dinner.
    (Sorry people, I hadnt managed to take a picture of myself in that outfit because never would I thought that I would be writing a post on that night. No fret, I'll snap a picture of that outfit. (=)

    I walked into the ballroom. Boy, there were so many people in there. *hooray! lol. My friends and I registered and walked over to our table. Sat down, when one of them decided to go interacting with the others. Then, sparks caught me by surprise as we stared into each others eyes. My heart melted the moment he flashed me his smile. (Now, where have I seen that smile before?) Even while writing this, butterflies appeared in my stomach. *grins. I think I've found him.

    After much talking with my lecturers, I went back to my table. Gawd. the darn heels are driving my feet insane! *jaws dropped at the sight of him seated at my table. The whole friggin time, I could not take my eyes off him. I was scrutinizing his features. Listening to his jokes. Watching every of his movements. Wondering if he and I could actually pull it off being together. It was a long night of never ending thoughts. I thought i might even go crazy if I look at him any longer.

    So, I left. No goodbyes. Giving up on all the mixed emotions I had awhile ago.

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