Dilemma? or Not?

    The first three posts, (Well, basically the first post was written due to adrenaline rush! Aw come on! Who wouldn't wanna just write their thoughts away when you have met the guy of your dreams?)but the latter two posts were a total I-am-way-too-gawd-damn-lazy-to-think-of-what-to-write, in which I had utterly no plans on actually updating this blog or whatsoever. But man, did I change within that couple of weeks. Pen-ning down my thoughts just gets me so hyped up and creative. Yes. Creative! I have weird metaphores! And my friends were telling me I oughta totally whoop some arse with my language. So here I am. Effing determine and excited bout this blog!

    So, my 2nd serious post. I have super big issues with commitment and trusts. Listen here. I wont have all the blame to myself due to these reasons. I am in a relationship but I'm so FUCKING paranoid! The existence of paranoid = lack of commitment. I'm 24/7 worried. We're in an early stage of this relationship thingy. Like really EARLY. (bout a week ish of such) and he's a total hunk. <-- this pretty much explains everything, no?

    Then, w have the distance issue i'm-unable-to-meet-him-not-even-once-a-week. Double sucky! I KNOW! sigh. but i am so totally. *breathes in deeply. Yes. I am really. really in lovee with this guy. Him being the boy i met and fell for at first sight. Not by his looks. but by the way he charmed himself over the dinner and slowly sauntering into my life. Never would i know this would happen to me. I am not all that good looking or whatsoever. Yet, he finds me fascinating, intriguing and lady like. SO honestly, right now i am in the biggest dilemma ever. To go full for it. or Not? because i tell u people. This is the guy. I would want to get married to. No joke. Well, more contemplations to do.

    Will write the next post regarding my decisions. And yes, this may take a while. So yeah. ;)


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