hellish semester!!!!

    Its just sheer impossible to go through one more day without pulling my hair off its roots! The things piling up on my study table is just increasing at an insanely fast rate! Not to mention I could barely understand what the great-aussie-bloke that is in front of my lecture theater trying to convey his message to me!! As it is, he is making a hellish day of my life enunciating his "a" as "i", turning my life topsy turvy with weird words that I haven't heard off, and literally repeating the same thing for each graphs he tries to explain causing huge question marks forming in the right mind of mine. And guess what's the catch, I am actually majoring in his course. Marvelous! 

    Then, the urge to actually have a day consisting of at least 48hours is just beyond the valley of crap! I need the extra hours to do my portfolios, prepare for my interview, the hours to rest my eyes (I need to reduce my eyebags that are of the size of pluto and blacker than the coal!!) the time to slowly go through each subject, understanding them, doing tutorials and Spending time with my family!! U know what, 48 hours isn't sufficient even. grrrrrr!!!

    Dear God,

    If you could just listen to my plea, please please send an angel to help me do my work, like how u sent the pixies or fairies to help the cobbler mend his boots during midnight in one of the fairytales which greatly troubles me for not being able to recall what that was. *shows pussy in boots's eyes *blink blink


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