My Date Night

    Frankly speaking, I have gone out with many many many guys and none of them had brought me out on a proper date. Beats me round my head, I couldn't remember how all of that even begun in the first place! It was aeons ago, back in high school.

     However, I do have exciting dates. Random ones! And not long lasting but darn fine dates I must say! There was this once, I went out with a group of friends, there, I met this great guy whom clicked with me on instance! We talked and talked and before the night ended, he asked me out on a date the next day. I was thrilled, excited and butterflies were battling the world war 3 in my stomach. The entire night. Yepp, as you could have guessed, there wasn't any sleep at all because I couldn't stop thinking about how great the date would be the next day and how do I react if he wanted to kiss me and all! LOL! I think too much. So I've heard.

     Obviously, the lack of sleep, and no knowledge in making up or whatsoever, I went out with him dressed in a pink collar long sleeves and this really ugly khakis pants with my glasses and eye-bags the size of Jupiter's. WTF right! Glasses, could you imagine the horror?!!!! HONESTLY, if I could just turn back time, I would have taken a frying pan and smash my own head before I could even go out to humiliate myself big time in front of that GUY! Grrrr~

                                        Looking something like that. oh, the horror!! *definitely hope my face wasn't showing that dreadful expression!!

     He was taken aback by my dressing at first but it all went well I guess. We headed to McD's as we were both craving for the nuggets and McDeluxe. It was fantastic, because we were literally fighting over the fries, me practically going gaga over him, staring at his face and being electrocuted by the electric jolts buzzing out of his gorgeous round brown eyes! And him teaching me how to play frisbee was an eye-opener! I never knew frisbee could be that interesting! *ahem ahem!

    Shortly after that, we took a walk around the park, he took my hand, but I was sooooooo retardedly conservative at that time, I took my hand back kept it safely in my pockets. Gah! I know. I'm such a turnoff! I was really young that time, and my mom never fail to tell me, "Girl ah, don't simply let a guy hold your hand, that is really degrading your self esteem, must walk with two hands swinging freely! Why wanna let him hold your hand and tie you down isit?" Yes, those were the exact words.

    He never contacted me since then. I was heartbroken but there was only me to be blamed. Ever since,  I sworn to be effing loyal to only clothes that show my feminine assets and purely CONTACTS-NO-GLASSES with a tad mixture of make up colors on my face when I go out on a date. =)

                                                        Like this, (the one in red)

                            Or this, with glasses but uber nice outfit that says " I am one hawt nerd"

      To find out exactly on how shitty a great date could end up in a disaster, there's no other date movies like the Date Night that is coming out in the cinema on the 8th April! Hurry up to your next cinema counter and get your tickets!!! =)

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