Marriage is so bee-ow!-tiful. that says it.
Naw. joke. But yeh, I see marriage as something so sacred and that the couple has to share the same vision in the future, to want to have each other's babies, to actually want to live with one another till the end of their lives, to share out the chores between them, to face obstacles and whatever blunders they may come across the relationship and more. Most importantly is that, both must be emotionally matured and agree that they are ready for a life together. Even the slightest uncertainty could just be damaging. Or if one says, "I think I am ready to get married, lets get married." it still carries serious repercussions in the near future because they are not entirely sure of what they want yet. Or even, some may be completely utterly determined to get married. "I am crazily bonkers in love with you, darling, lets get married." Man, people fall in and out of love nowadays like how the birds in the sky poo. They don't give two fucks if they poo while flying and it hits someone's head because they just don't.
Getting married means devoting your life to your partner, not able to live selfishly anymore as a single individual. Not especially when you have kids. Bloody BIG NO. The focus of your life has officially shifted to them. No more, I love me, myself and I. Now its, kids, husband, kids, house, food, clean, cook, husband, kids, and money" See, no "I".
I'm just so awestruck by those whom are so eager to get married at such early age. Not like there's anything wrong with that. And like I've just said, marriage from my window. i.e. my own personal opinion. Hence, no hard feelings yah. Its just that marriage is a darn big thing. There're alot that have to be figured out before you could just jump into a marriage. And, the commitment each partner has to give is no small thing i'm telling you. So make sure you've found the goddamn right one, ready to commit yourself with much enthusiasm to take care of a family, and without any hint of regrets because you are not screwing just your own fucked up life, but the other poor soul too. Spare him/her the grief and make your mind up properly!