TMG Interview: Peter Lamas – Creator of Peter Lamas Products…

    Peter Lamas knows a thing or two about beauty….he has written two books been a celebrity stylist to the stars and now he has his own line of beauty products called Peter Lamas Products. Peter has always been aware of how beauty products and certain chemicals in them affect women. When he started losing them to cancer, he took a long hard look at beauty products and the ingredients in them. As a result of personal experiences relating to family, close friends and clients, Peter became acutely aware to the scary reality that many common products — including and especially health and beauty products which we all apply to our hair, skin, teeth and bodies – contain known carcinogens or potential carcinogens, and can have devastating consequences for our long-term health.

    I recently spoke to Peter about his product line and his passion for beauty….

    Chinese Herbs Regenerating System Display vertical TMG Interview:  Peter Lamas   Creator of Peter Lamas Products...

    Lianne: The results people are getting from your Chinese Herbs collection is amazing. How did you decide to start using Chinese Herbs and how did you figure out it grew hair?

    Peter: I am so excited that it’s doing well. Eastern medicine has a proven track record over thousands of years so I had an idea that it would work. I contacted a famous herbalist who happens to be a good friend and we worked together to formulate something that would do just that – grow hair.

    Lianne: But the results are astonishing, I mean really crazy that hair is growing inches for people in a very short time.

    Peter: Yes they are…..I have several male celebrities that have stopped using minoxodil in favor of the chinese herbs line because it has worked so well for them.

    Lianne: Like who??? Can you say?

    Peter: I sure can, Keifer Sutherland and Michael Masdson are the most prominent ones.

    Lianne: Wow! That’s a big deal!

    Peter: It sure is! I very excited and happy it is working for them. I have been using it for a while now myself and my hairline actually started growing in lower on my forehead. The principe behinf the line is that it helps keep your scalp free of anything that can clog the hair folicle. Then the ingredients can get deeper and do their work.

    Lianne: What would you recommend for the Chinese Herbs regime if someone wanted to start?

    Peter: For sure the shampoo, conditioner and serum.

    Lianne: I see you have been on a bit of a beauty tour recently. Where is the next stop??

    Peter: I was just in Las Vegas at CosmoProf and I will be in New York from the 28th of July thru the 3rd of August promoting our line of products in new and different Duane Reade stores. Plus one grand opening on the 3rd of August at Union Square. I have the locations posted on the Facebook page.

    Lianne: Facebook, wow how savvy!

    Peter: I try and keep up with technology, I’m even tweeting a little!

    Lianne: Fantastic!! Tell me a little about your skincare line?

    Peter: We have a skincare line that follows the same principles as the hair care. I wanted to create something that was as good as a higher end line with natural and organic ingredients. We are finalizing the new elegant packaging, which we will be launching either the end of this year or the very beginning of next year.

    Lianne: That’s great, I have tried a few of the items and I must say I am impressed. The whole brand is kind of going through a makeover isn’t it?

    Peter: Yes it is, top to bottom. We are putting the final touches for the launching of our newly designed website by the beginning or middle of August. It is stunning, I am so excited.

    Lianne: You have been getting tons of press recently, anything new in the pipline as far as events go besides the Duane Reade appearances?

    Peter: Yes….people have been saying great things which always makes me happy, including you! So glad you likes the Rice Protein line! We were just featured on Vanity I was very impressed with the comments from the Beauty Editor. We are preparing to attend and participate in the Emmy Awards Gift Suite event. It goes for two days before the Emmy’s presentation. I will let you know the dates as soon as I have them. I know it’s the last week in August.

    Lianne: I know you are very pasisonate about being a natural product, can you tell me what made you steer in that direction?

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