Samantha Baker

    Samantha Baker have been a dancer pretty much her entire life and that is mainly what got her interested in pursuing fitness. After college she decided to try out to be an NFL Cheerleader for the New England Patriots. she had never been a cheerleader in high school or college but knew the main focus of the squad was dance. Once on the squad she realized that being fit, working out along with dance was something she absolutely loved. After being on the squad for a few years she decided to pursue a career in fitness modeling. she have been blessed so far to work with some of the best photographers and have had the privilege of being published both Internationally and Nationally in several fitness magazines and covers.

    she have competed in her first two NPC competitions in 2009 where she placed first in her class and then won overall figure for her first show and placed first in her class at her second show. she competed on 2010, in here third and fourth show, both national level shows. she plan on competing again for her pro card within the next year and in turn use the knowledge she have obtained to help others achieve their fitness, figure and/or modeling goals.

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