Uncertainties in life

    This is coming from experiences, and also, Gossip Girls. Uncertainties make your life seem like a rocking boat in the middle of the sea, in which, there is absolutely no compass or whatsoever that could direct you back to the shore. You have to wreck your brains and only ending up taking chances with 50-50 probabilities.

    One thing that you have been holding on for what seemed like forever suddenly changes, what do you do? You can't think straight no more. You don't know what is real and what is not. You doubt at almost everything. Faith evaporates right out of your poor soul. More uncertainties.

    I am terrified of this. I can't seem to handle them well. I change myself. My beliefs. Thinking this change would protect myself. Hell yeah, I very well know its merely a self-denial kinda thingy. Life's a gamble. Now i know where that quote came from. Life is a goddamn true gamble. U either take chances or U TAKE CHANCES. there's no definite answer to anything at all. Yeah, perhaps, the answer will be along the way as you live your life. Just pray hard it wont be too late by the time you realized the answer.

    I am still intimidated by the whole thing life is offering me. I should overcome it. If i do finally figure a way to do it, rest assured, I will let you know.

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