Funny YouTube Videos with a spoonful of education

    Its highly intriguing how creative the society can be nowadays in sending out really really educational information to the rest of the world. Best of it, its for free. You get free entertainment, and education. What's more to ask of!

    To be honest, there are millions, billions of videos out there but why did I choose to share this video on my blog? Well, I for one, truly appreciate the message that these young youtube artists trying to send out across the world.

    i.e. "Be yourself!". Don't try to dress up and be someone else because other people will notice. Hello! We are not some dumb jocks being fogged up by your covered prettiness and miss out on the one most important trait of yourself. The "Personality".

    So dress in whatever YOU are comfortable in, act freely don't restrict yourself to what other people wants in YOU. In lieu, make them want you for WHO YOU ARE. That my friend, is one true relationship be it friends or lovers. It all applies the same principle.

    So watch the video loves and have fun. and p/s: I totally love Kaseem G. And to those of you who have no bleeping idea who this hunk is, check out his pictures below. =)

    Till then huneys,


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