Short Update

    *yells* Hello darlings!

    Its been awhile hasn't it?! Oh what the eff am I saying, its just been the weekends i.e. 2 days since I've last written anything! Boy oh boy, how the time flies!

    Anyway, its my birthday in like 9 freaking minutes! Woohoo! And I've already gotten huge surprises from my besties, well, more like my family to me! I bet you know them too! Suwen, Sharizal and Cheryl. My three family bestie members! Pretty lil cupcake and a gorgeous necklace from Swarovski! <3

    Hold on lemme show you a picture of it!


     And well, I tried taking a picture of the gorgeous necklace but damn phone is giving me unnecessary problems. :(  Will upload it when possible!

    Oh wait! Its 12 am! happy birthday to myself! hehe! got lotsa wishes! Thank you EVERYBODY! I am seriously sincerely touched!

    <3<3 you all!

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