Graduating soon!

    Wheee! Counting down to a month's time or a tad more, and then goodbye Economics & Finance degree and hello Criminology masters. =) Its really exciting because I am doing a complete turnover in my major and in a land far far away.  *huge grin*

    Okay, don't judge. Its not that I am fickle minded or anything of sort. It is merely a crossroad I have been at for all this while and I finally, like FINALLY made up my mind on what my future would be like. And boy, Economics is certainly not one of them.

    You may ask me, "How do I know this is what I want?"

    I don't but just pretty darn sure I have to follow my gut this time. I chose economics because of the full scholarship that was offered to me. So yeah.

    Alrighty loves, back to my studies. Took some time off to write this post.=) The next time I'm free, I'll prolly go in details why I did not hesitate to choose on this Criminology major.

    Cheerios hunehs,


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