The bestest NYE celebration EVER!

    When my brother told me he wouldnt be able to fetch me over to INTI nilai I was not feeling all that sad. *cabbage's honor! It was most probably that I was really afraid of being alone in a new environment and him surrounded by all his female frens resulting in me getting effing jealous --> NYE ruin! *ka boom

    So, at that point in time, after hearing that, I was mentally and physically preparing myself to celebrate NYE at home!

    30 mins later,  however, a phone call from my darling brother telling me to pack my stuffs as he would be sending me up sent me a massive jolt upwards. I said to myself repeatedly, "I am actually gonna celebrate with him on NYE" Whee!

    Reached there. saw him. *shrieks. He stood tall, and charming as always. opened the door for me! I KNOW. *drools. and he brought me into this hall where all his other friends were there facilitating this orientation thingy. They, his friends, were super FRIENDLY. We clicked immediately. It aint turning sucky after all! :D

    Played some games. Helped out here and there. Seeing his serious face and his level of maturity all honestly, i wouldn't have guessed him being younger than I am. Then it was partay time babeh! Loud booming music! People started dancing. and jiving along to the beat! He came to me, held out a hand for me, and told me to dance with him. =) *melts

    Soo, counting down timer was set. He stood behind me hugging me tightly slowly moving to the whatever-music-that-was-being-played, counting down together. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. And he whispered in my ear, "Happy New Year babe, and planted a kiss on my cheeeks!" It was the moment of my life! I was enthralled by this action of his. That was possibly the most romantic scenario I've ever been in! ok. I am dramatic. But who cares. I rock. :P

    And the night ended with everyone singing Auld Lang Syne! =)

    happy ending. sleeps with a big grin plastered on my face!

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