Have you ever been in a scenario in which at one period you could feel so confident of that particular feeling and at another, it just vanished into thin air? I have. One too many times, in fact. Deep contemplations on why this happens but only to result in no certain answers yet. It has yet to appear to my mind that it could be plainly the cause of immaturity or indecisive with the things a certain someone wants in his/her life. Is it true? I'm not too sure myself. Should I be ignoring all these quirky emotions building up in me? Or do I sit down and strategized on what move do I make next? Or rather be stoical myself and save myself the trouble of even having a slightest pinch of emotion? Ahh... Only more unanswered questions to be added up to my pile of SHIT-I-Don't-Fucking-have-an-answer-to-this-nor-can-I-google-the-answer-of-these-ruddy-questions!
Combustion of mixtures of feelings simply stock up daily in the whichever-part-that's-keeping-most-of-human's-emotions. Teeny bits of that combustion adding up to that stack of highly-explosive-self-generated might just lead to losing your last bit of sanity. The day you loses that thing I call sanity would be the day you aren't able to judge the wrong from right nor the right emotions for a particular situation. Complicated, I know, but what would the world be without tad complications. World that is too simple to live in wouldn't be much of a challenge, now would it? Then, there would be no war, no hunger, no deaths, no accidents, no all those crappy things that cost us this weird liquid flowing out of our eyes called tears.
That, my friend. is food for thought.
Combustion of mixtures of feelings simply stock up daily in the whichever-part-that's-keeping-most-of-human's-emotions. Teeny bits of that combustion adding up to that stack of highly-explosive-self-generated might just lead to losing your last bit of sanity. The day you loses that thing I call sanity would be the day you aren't able to judge the wrong from right nor the right emotions for a particular situation. Complicated, I know, but what would the world be without tad complications. World that is too simple to live in wouldn't be much of a challenge, now would it? Then, there would be no war, no hunger, no deaths, no accidents, no all those crappy things that cost us this weird liquid flowing out of our eyes called tears.
That, my friend. is food for thought.